Data Citations

Data Citations

The data referenced in the Overview video were obtained form the following sources:

Current Cost of Healthcare in CA:  $368b
Inflation of Healthcare Expenses:  5.5%
US Healthcare Efficiency per World Health Organization:  37th
US Health Rating: 34th
US Infant Mortality Rate:  45th
US Life Expectancy:  43rd
Cost of Healthcare per Person:  $10,348
Healthcare Costs of Heart Disease and Diabetes (US):  $369b
Cost of Lost Productivity Due to Heart Disease and Diabetes (US):  $192b
Economic Cost of Opioid Crisis (US): $504b 
Lost Earnings Due to Severe Mental Illness (US): $193.2b
Recidivism Rate (CA): 65%
Administration Costs of Healthcare (US): 25-30%

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